Buy WoT Ace Tanker boost and obtain the Ace Tanker or other mastery badge for any tank in the game.
In order to unlock Ace Tanker badge, the highest in the game, you have to be better than 99% of other players that have played on this exact tank during the last 7 days. With our World of Tanks Ace Tanker boost, you can get the highest master badge in a matter of days thanks to our professional boosting team.
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Mastery badges reflect how good you are at playing a specific vehicle. There are a total of 4 mastery badges you can earn:
Despite how initially scary Mastery Badges requirements might seem at first, it’s not that bad. You just have to earn more base experience over a single match than the other 50/80/95/99% of the players who happened to play the same tank for the last 7 days. To put it even simpler - you need to perform your damn best during one of the matches to earn the badges, making sure to do everything that can earn you additional XP.
However, there are some nuances. One is that badges don’t count any experience earned through bonuses. If you need, say, 1000 experience for the badge, simply utilizing every XP bonus you can to multiply your results won’t cut it. Even if you earned 5000 XP that way, it wouldn’t matter if you only learned 500 XP at base.
Secondly, the requirements for the badges are constantly changing. One week the tank might’ve been used by the top players, skyrocketing the badge requirements, and the other week it became popular among noobs, dropping the requirements down. This is also why getting the badges for the non-meta tanks is generally considered much more manageable.
As the highest mastery badge you can earn, Ace Tanker proves that you were the best tanker on this particular vehicle for the past 7 days. From a more pragmatic point of view, it means you managed to earn the highest base experience for a single match using the tank in question.
While still commendable, having a single or very few Ace Tanker badges isn’t particularly impressive, as there’s always a possibility that the player simply got incredibly lucky. However, having a whole collection of Ace Tanker badges is much more respectable, showcasing that the player has a great understanding of the large portion of the game’s roster and game mechanics as a whole.
Nope! Your badges can only go up, and you can never lose the ones you already got. So, if you earned II class badge, you can still earn I class and Ace, but it’ll never drop to III class badge, regardless of your future performance. Similarly, if you acquired an Ace Tanker badge for some tank, you’ll keep it forever, no matter how much time goes by, how well your performance will be, or whether you will be using this tank again at all.