Achievements Unlock

The Finals Achievements Boost

Buy The Finals Achievements boost and get desired Achievements completed in no time. Сompleting the challenges in The Finals can be a time-consuming task, considering randomness and inconsistency. To get everything done, you might spend up to 1,000 hours grinding. Our The Finals Achievements carrying service grants you desired achievements completed fast, along with lots of experience.

What you will get
  • Desired Achievements unlocked;
  • Account level experience;
  • VR points;
  • Battle Pass progress.
Execution options
  • Normal — available boosters will work on a first-come, first-served basis;
  • Express — a separate and always free team will complete the order 20% faster;
  • Super Express — your order receives top priority, reducing completion time by 35%.
Additional options
  • Stream — monitor the Finals Achievements boost execution on a personal live stream.
  • Select preferred options and place an order for our The Finals Achievements unlock service;
  • We form a priority list based on the execution speed and time when the order was placed;
  • We will contact you in the live chat or via email. Feel free to ask any questions you may have;
  • Our pro will pilot your character through various game modes with our The Finals Achievement Carry;
  • We will notify you about The Finals Achievements boost completion, or you can watch it on the stream;
  • Enjoy the results! And don’t forget to rate our The Finals Achievements boosting service on Trustpilot.

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 average time to reply

The Finals Achievements Unlock FAQ

There are a lot of achievements in The Finals game, and the total time to complete all 50 of them can take up to 1,000 hours. To help you navigate through all of the achievements, we split them into four categories. 

Builds Achievements

To complete this group of achievements, you are required to use certain builds:

Green LightPlay 10 rounds with a Light Build
Mass MediumPlay 10 rounds with a Medium Build
Play The HeavyPlay 10 rounds with a Heavy Build
Light YearsWin 150 rounds with a Light Build
Medium RareWin 150 rounds with a Medium Build
Heavy HandWin 150 rounds with a Heavy Build

Eliminations Achievements

Successful eliminations are necessary to complete achievements in this category:

Pyro ProdigyEliminate 25 opponents with fire
Toxic TactEliminate 25 opponents with gas
Dead ShotGet 300 eliminations with Ranged Weapons
Strong ArmGet 150 eliminations with Melee Weapons
Gadget GuruGet 150 eliminations with Gadgets
Busy BodyEliminate 3 opponents with a Melee Weapon within 10 seconds
Fatal FloristEliminate an opponent with a flowerpot
Highway PatrolEliminate an opponent while you are riding a Zipline, 10 times
MultitaskerEliminate 3 opponents with 3 different items or carriables within 10 seconds
Hot ShotEliminate an opponent while you are on fire, 5 times in a single round
BombouncerEliminate an opponent by bouncing a grenade on a Jump Pad
Golden BulletGet a headshot elimination with the last bullet in the magazine of your primary weapon
Clip And SlideEliminate an opponent with a headshot while you are sliding
Asset ProtectionEliminate an opponent trying to steal your cashout, 10 times
Stop PaymentEliminate an opponent while they are carrying a cash box, 5 times
Charitable DonationEliminate an opponent with a cash box

Other Achievements

This category consists of all other achievements:

Lesson LearnerComplete the Tutorial
Participation RibbonCreate a contestant
Med StudentRevive a teammate
Initial DepositInsert a cash box into a cashout station
Returning ContestantPlay 3 rounds of Quick Cash
Savings SpecialistObtain a total of 100,000 cash
Life Of The PartyPlay 10 rounds in a Party
Attending PhysicianRevive teammates 50 times
Rising StarPlay 3 Tournament rounds
Demolition ExpertDeal 1,000,000 damage to arenas
Deep PocketsObtain a total of 50,000,000 cash
Crowd PleaserFinish in first place, 3 times in a row
Show StopperWin the final round in Tournament or Ranked Tournament
Just Like ScottyWin a round in any mode without being eliminated
Defense DevoteeBlock a total of 25,000 damage
Resident DoctorHeal teammates for a total of 25,000 health
Last-minute GiftStart a cashout with less than 10 seconds remaining in the match
Speed RunStart a cashout within 15 seconds after opening a vault
Field GoalThrow a cash box into a cashout station from 20 meters away
Pressure PrizeHit an opponent in the head with an explosive carriable
Dodgeball ChampionHit opponents with 3 different carriables within 15 seconds

There are 6 hidden achievements in the game. In our Secret category we combine all hidden achievements and how to get them:

ShowboasterUse an emote after eliminating another player
Artful ExpressionistEliminate a player while emoting
Space Rock SkipperBounce a meteor off a Jump Pad during a Meteor Showers event
Blast CasterPlace an Explosive Mine on a carriable and get an elimination by throwing it at an enemy
Butter FingersGet eliminated by your own grenade
Sky Bridge SaboteurDestroy the skybridge in Seoul

Achievements Boost
Boost method
Execution options
Discount bundle
Achievement type
Cashback 3%
15 minutesaverage start time