
Season of Discovery Professions

Buy WoW Season of Discovery Professions boosting to reach maximum possible level for any profession. Get kits of resources, unlock access to unique items, make profits with your professional skills and avoid monotonous professions leveling process with help of our boosting team.

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Season of Discovery Professions FAQ

How many professions can you train in Season of Discovery?

Just like in other Classic versions of the game, you can train two different primary professions and all three secondary professions.

How to quickly level up professions in SoD?

The fastest way to level up professions is to buy a set of required resources for a chosen profession and use them to craft a list of most profitable (in terms of skill points) items, using various popular guides. However, you can make this process even even quicker just by getting our SoD professions boosting services.

What is the highest profession level in SoD?

On Phase 1, maximum profession level is 200. This cap will be increased retrospectively with each new phase, reaching 300 points in the final phase.