
Tarkov Laboratory Raid

Fast and profitable Tarkov Laboratory boost service offers a full raid with pro players who will do all the dirty work for you. You will get all the loot from the Laboratory, saving hours of your time and a bunch of nerves! To ensure the safety of our clients, we offer a free self-play option with no risk of being banned.

You can buy a Self-play + Coaching for Laboratory raid boost, and our pro player will show you the best map routes and high-value loot spawns in this raid and explain the raid’s boss tactics!

For your account security, we always offer a free stream of your order.
What you will get
  • 🔥 Free Self-play or Stream;
  • The desired number of complete Laboratory runs;
  • All the loot and roubles, that we'll obtain during the boost;
  • Character experience and PMC skills boost.
We will make an additional run if you accidentally die. You can be sure, you will get your loot anyway!

Here is a list of all the possible loot that the booster can extract from the raid:

  • Lots of Virtex, RFIDR, VPX, LedX;
  • Various keys and key cards (including a Black card);
  • Rare and expensive items, bitcoins;
  • Top weapons and mods for them;
  • The rarest and very valuable stimulators.
We can't guarantee any specific loot, but if we find it, it's totally yours!
Additional options
  • Quests — we will help you to complete the chosen quest during Laboratory carry;
  • Stream — we will stream all the farming processes for you.
  • Select preferred options and place an order for our EFT The Lab carry service;
  • We form a priority list based on the time when the order was placed;
  • We will contact you in the live chat or via email. Feel free to ask any questions;
  • Our professional will pilot your character, or you will join his team in self-play;
  • The booster will complete the chosen number of raids, collecting all valuable items along the way;
  • We will notify you about EFT Laba boost completion, or you can watch it live on the stream;
  • Enjoy the results! And don’t forget to rate us on Trustpilot.

If you still have some questions or want some unusual options — feel free to text us! Even at 3:00 AM :) We're 24/7 online!

  • TerraGroup Access keycard for every run;
  • For the self-play method, your PMC should have full health, no injuries, hunger, or thirst.

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2 minutes
 average time to reply

EFT Laboratory Raid FAQ

Tarkov Laboratory raid is a real dream for any PMC and the Holy Grail in Tarkov. This location is incredibly difficult to farm solo for many reasons:

  • To enter this location, you need a TerraGroup Labs access key card, which is pretty expensive;
  • None of the types of insurance works here, which means that if you fail, you will lose all your equipment;
  • Your equipment must be both superb and expensive if you want to be on equal VS your enemies;
  • You will need a set of very expensive cards and keys to open all the most valuable areas;
  • There are lots of well-armed Scav Raiders on the map;
  • And the worst thing is that Laboratory is the most aggressive PvP zone!

The Lab is an underground laboratory complex right under the center of Tarkov. Officially, this research center does not exist and, based on data scraps, is engaged in R&D, testing, and simulation projects in chemistry, physics, biology, and high-tech areas. You will approach a lot of scavs raiders there, but the main danger is the other players. There is no insurance in Lab, so you will not be able to save any loot you got there or were raided with.

Boost method
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Number of runs
Cashback 3%
15 minutesaverage start time
1 hourorder completion