Buy Tarkov Keys boost and unlock any sealed door to access a trove of valuable loot. When you reach the door, you might not have the correct key. You'll need to search elsewhere for it. But the random key generation is cruel and may give you only the wrong and useless keys. If you decide to trade one, none may be bought for money, and possibly you don't have that exact expensive item that the other player wants for barter. Actually, you would like to get it yourself with a key! And after all, keys are consumables and run out. Do not despair! Buy EFT keys and key cards, and we will make sure you get your hands on them. All keys are fully charged.
Using keys and keycards is an alternative way to get richer besides PvP. You can enter The Lab or open a closed door and gain access to high-end loot of any kind. It upgrades your survivability and ability to compete. It also increases your wealth overall.
You might loot a key card from a boss. Pockets and bags of SCAVs may also contain some.
If you make a loot run for any keys, you should focus on jackets and leave no stone unturned. The Lighthouse map is the best map to create an optimal route. Be aware that many players are working on the same task and will be glad to loot your body just in case.