
WoW Classic Fresh Professions Kits Boost

Buy WoW Classic Fresh Professions Kits to gain a comprehensive set of resources that will boost your profession skill to 300.

Professions are incredibly significant in World of Warcraft Classic, acting as a key method for gearing up before raids, crafting unique items, and generating Gold. The downside is that to unlock quality craftable items, you often need to spend a lot of time collecting resources and leveling your profession. That’s why Overgear is here, offering our WoW Classic Fresh Professions Kits service to simplify your experience.

Completion time might be increased during the first weeks after the release due to shortages of resources.
What you will get
  • Get resource kit for the required profession;
  • Obtain enough resources to reach maximum profession skill.
Execution speed

Depending on what execution speed you choose, Сlassic Fresh Professions Kits boost can be completed faster.

  • Normal — you get a basic place in a WoW Classic Fresh Professions Kits boosting queue;
  • Express — your order receives a higher priority, decreasing delivery time;
  • Super Express — your WoW Classic Fresh Professions Kits order gets the highest possible priority and is executed by our best boosters. You will get your resources as quickly as possible.
  • Active subscription for WoW Classic 20th anniversary access.


  • Choose necessary professions and make an order of the chosen carry service;
  • We will contact you via our live chat or by sending an email about your WoW Classic Fresh Professions Kits Order;
  • All the details will be discussed beforehand, and the start time will be set according to your schedule in real life and Warcraft Classic Fresh;
  • To complete your World of Warcraft Classic Fresh Professions Kits order, your character will receive a full set of resources for the chosen profession;
  • You will receive all the resources you have ordered in-game;
  • We will also share a guide for a chosen profession with you. This guide will have detailed instructions on how to use received resources to reach the maximum profession level;
  • Enjoy the results! And don’t forget to rate our services on Trustpilot.

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WoW Classic Fresh Professions Kits Service

Crafting has never been more crucial in the world of Azeroth, and our expert team has mastered the intricate details of every profession. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, our WoW Classic Anniversary professions kit boosting service will ensure you have everything to dominate the profession market. We’ll provide you with a full set of resources for the following professions:

  1. Alchemy;
  2. Blacksmithing;
  3. Enchanting;
  4. Engineering;
  5. Leatherworking;
  6. Tailoring.

WoW Classic Fresh Professions Kits FAQ

Professions Kit is a comprehensive set of resources that is aimed to increase your profession skill level to the maximum. Simply choose the profession you need, and our team will gather the required resources so you can level it up to 300 without wasting gold or time searching for the necessary materials.

Professions Kits
Boost method
Execution speed
First profession
Second profession
Secondary skills
Cashback 3%