
WoW Classic Fresh Molten Core Boost

Buy WoW Classic Fresh Molten Core boost and get completion of a full raid ran with all bosses defeated. We will overcome all instance's battles and grant you parts of powerful end-game gear. Choose our WoW Classic Fresh Molten Core Carry service and become an unstoppable hero who will achieve victory over the hardest bosses of the game.

What you will get
  • Molten Core raid completed;
  • Chance to get Tier 1 sets & raid gear;
  • 10/10 bosses defeated;
  • Some Hydraxian Waterlords reputation;
  • All the gold, experience gained during the order completion.
Loot options
  • Group loot — Rewards are rolled only between you and other clients in the raid. Up to 4 other clients in the group. At least 2 parts of gear are guaranteed. Please note that Legendary loot is not rolled or included.
  • Loot priority — you will receive all the drops for your class and spec that can be obtained during the run. This includes gear specific to your armor type, weapons, and trinkets. At least 3 parts of gear are guaranteed. Please note that Legendary loot is not included.
Execution speed

Depending on what execution speed you choose, WoW Classic Fresh Molten Core Raid boosting can be completed faster.

  • Normal — you get a basic place in a completion service queue;
  • Express — your order receives a higher priority, decreasing completion time by 30%;
  • Super Express — your WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Molten Core carries order gets the highest possible priority and is executed by our best boosters, making completion time as quick as possible.
Additional options
  • Molten Core attunement — boosters will complete a full attunement before executing a raid run;
  • Tier 1 Set — your character will get a full set of Tier 1 gear, perfectly suitable for his class and specialization;
  • Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros — guarantee yourself a legendary two-hand mace;
  • Stream — monitor the progress of the service via live stream.
  • Active subscription for WoW Vanilla Classic access;
  • Molten Core attunement completed;
  • Level 60 character.


  • Select preferred options and place an order for the WoW Classic Fresh Molten Core raid boosting;
  • We will contact you via our live chat or by sending an email;
  • All the details will be discussed beforehand, and the start time will be set according to your schedule in real life and WoW Classic;
  • We’ll find you the best team of boosters to complete your Warcraft Classic order;
  • At the appointed time, our professional player will take your character and start WoW Classic Fresh Molten Core farm;
  • We'll notify you about the order WoW Vanilla Classic Molten Core raid boost completion;
  • Enjoy the results! And don’t forget to rate our WoW Classic Fresh Ragnaros farm on Trustpilot.


  • At the appointed time, you will get an invitation in the game and participate in the WoW Classic Fresh Ragnaros kill service.

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About WoW Classic Fresh Molten Core Run for Sale

Molten Core is one of the most iconic 40-man raid in World of Warcraft, located deep within Blackrock Mountain. The raid takes place in the fiery depths of the mountain, where you’ll face off against Ragnaros, the Firelord, and his elemental minions.

Molten Core is known for its challenging mechanics and the need for precise coordination among your raid team. The raid is pivotal in WoW Classic endgame content and a major step for guilds progressing through the hardest encounters:

  1. Lucifron: A fire elemental with serious spell damage and healing abilities. His minions should be controlled to avoid overwhelming the raid;
  2. Magmadar: A large hound of fire that deals massive AoE damage. This fight requires good positioning and careful attention to his Frenzy ability;
  3. Gehennas: A demon who can cast Rain of Fire and has an Inferno mechanic. His adds must be handled carefully to prevent overwhelming the raid;
  4. Garr: A fire elemental who summons adds, and deals heavy AoE damage. Proper add management is essential for a smooth fight;
  5. Shazzrah: A high-damage sorcerer who requires constant interrupts to prevent his powerful spells from wiping the group;
  6. Baron Geddon: Known for his Inferno mechanic that causes fire damage to random players, which needs to be handled with precision to avoid large group wipes;
  7. Sulfuron Harbinger: A boss with multiple fire-based abilities and summoning adds. Proper positioning and focus on adds is crucial;
  8. Golemagg the Incinerator: A massive fire elemental who requires attention to his adds and the Searing Flame mechanic to minimize damage;
  9. Majordomo Executus: The gatekeeper to Ragnaros, requiring the raid to douse burning runes with Aqual Quintessence before summoning the Firelord himself;
  10. Ragnaros: The Firelord himself, requiring an intricate strategy with well-timed movements and positioning to avoid devastating AoE damage and properly handling the adds.

Our WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Molten Core Run for Sale service makes this challenging raid accessible, allowing you to skip the tedious group coordination, time-consuming wipes, and mechanical hurdles. Whether you’re aiming to obtain high-tier Gear, Legendary Weapons, or simply want to experience the raid’s thrill without the struggle, our expert team ensures a smooth, quick, and successful completion.

WoW Classic Fresh Molten Core Carry Rewards

When you purchase WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Molten Core Carry, you unlock a treasure trove of powerful loot and unique rewards. Here’s a detailed rewards table for Molten Core:

ItemBossRequired LevelSlotDescription
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the WindseekerRagnaros60Two-Handed SwordLegendary weapon with high DPS potential
Sulfuras, Hand of RagnarosRagnaros60Two-Handed MaceLegendary weapon with powerful stats
Worn Turtle Shell ShieldKresh15Off-Hand ShieldStrong shield with high durability
Robe of the MoccasinLord Cobrahn17Cloth ChestExcellent cloth chest with high stats for healers
VenomstrikeLord Serpentis19BowPowerful ranged weapon for DPS
Deep Fathom RingRagnaros21RingHigh-end ring with boosting stats
Serpent GlovesLord Serpentis18Leather GlovesLeather gloves with agility and stamina
Feyscale CloakDeviate Faerie Dragon17Cloth CloakCloak with useful resistances for tanks
Tail SpikeSkum17One-Hand MaceStrong one-handed mace for melee DPS
Armor of the FangLord Pythas18Leather ChestLeather chest piece for agility classes
Living RootVerdan the Everliving20StaffRare staff with healing stats
Mutant Scale BreastplateMutanus the Devourer23Mail ChestMail chest with solid stats for survivability
Seedcloud BucklerVerdan the Everliving20ShieldShield with solid defensive stats
Slime-encrusted PadsMutanus the Devourer22Cloth ShouldersCloth shoulders with resistance stats

WoW Classic Fresh Molten Core Boost FAQ

Molten Core is a 40-man raid located in Blackrock Mountain, home to Ragnaros the Firelord and his elemental minions. It is one of the most iconic raids in WoW, offering challenging bosses and legendary rewards like Thunderfury and Sulfuras. This raid is essential for high-level players aiming for top-tier loot and progression.

Molten Core is located deep within Blackrock Mountain, past Blackrock Depths. With our WoW Classic Fresh Molten Core Boost service, you can skip the difficulty and enjoy a smooth, efficient raid run.

To enter the Molten Core raid in WoW Classic, complete the Attunement to the Core quest by visiting Lothos Riftwalker in Blackrock Mountain and going through Blackrock Depths to reach the raid entrance.

The raid is designed for level 60 players and requires a full 40-man raid group to enter.

Molten Core drops Tier 1 set pieces, some of the best fire-themed loot in the game, and two legendary weapons—Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker and Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros.

Molten Core
Boost method
Execution speed
Cashback 3%
7 daysorder completion