
WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore Leveling Boost

Buy WoW 20th Anniversary Hardcore power leveling and reach level 60 cap on hardcore realm without any deaths! Your character will be fully prepared for endgame content. Our players will complete quests and other challenges with all security precautions taken. Forget about perma-death and enjoy your deserved endgame with our WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore power leveling!

Please avoid logging into your WoW account during the boost to prevent character loss from a disconnected booster. We cannot compensate for such losses. For extra protection, check our insurance options.
What you will get
  • Desired level for your Hardcore character;
  • Dozens of quests completed during WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore level boost;
  • You keep all the loot that can be obtained during the service completion.
Execution speed

Depending on what execution speed you choose, WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore leveling boost can be completed faster.

  • Normal — you get a basic place in a completion WoW 20th Anniversary HC power leveling queue;
  • Express — your order receives a higher priority, decreasing completion time by 30%;
  • Super Express — your WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore power leveling order gets the highest possible priority and is executed by our best boosters, making completion time as quick as possible.
Additional options
  • Profession choice — we will boost chosen professions up to maximum level for your character;
  • Riding skill — choose between 60% and 100% riding skill to be able to ride on mounts the moment boost is done;
  • Stream — monitor the progress of the WoW 20th Anniversary Hardcore power leveling through booster's stream.

Basic Insurance: Overgear is responsible only for the level ranges ordered by the client. There can be three options of compensation in case of death on your choice:

  • New fulfillment of the same order from the same spectrum of levels;
  • New order fulfillment for a fresh character from level 1 to level X. Level X is the level to which there is enough money to pump up the character based on the initial order purchased. This compensation method isn't available for 1-60 leveling range.
  • Monetary compensation for unfulfilled level ranges

Extended Insurance: Overgear is responsible for boosting all level range. Here are the two possible compensations in case of character death on your choice:

  • We fulfill the order on a fresh character in case the main character dies and you get a new character with the desired level.
  • Full refund of the purchase price without the cost of insurance.

Premium Insurance: Overgear is responsible for all achievements, items, levels, mounts and gold held by the clients character. Or by agreement - for specific parts that the you would like to "insure". In case of death of the character during the service on your choice you will receive:

  • A character upgrade on all insured parameters in full;
  • Full refund of the purchase price without the actual provided services.
  • Active subscription for WoW 20th Anniversary access.
  • Professions, attunements, pre-raid gear and flightpaths options require 60 level character. You can order these options in addition to the 60 level power leveling.


  • Select preferred options and place an order for the WoW 20th Anniversary Hardcore level boost;
  • We will contact you via our live chat or by sending an email;
  • All the details will be discussed beforehand, and the start time will be set according to your schedule in real life and in WoW Classic;
  • We’ll find you boosters who are ready to complete WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore level boost and fit in your schedule the best;
  • At the appointed time, our professional player will take your character and start on the WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore EXP farm;
  • We'll notify you about the WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore experience boost completion;
  • Completion time might be increased in case of your character's death, you will be notified in such a case;
  • Enjoy the results! And don’t forget to rate our Warcraft Classic services on Trustpilot.

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WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore 1-60 Level Boost

Our team of experienced players is here to help you level up your character from 1 to 60 quickly. Whether you're an experienced player wanting to level an alt or a new player catching up with friends, we've got you covered. With years of experience, our Classic Fresh Hardcore leveling boosters will make the process smooth and fast, so you can enjoy the WoW Classic Fresh HC experience without any hassle. Buy Classic Fresh HC leveling boost today!

About our WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Hardcore Leveling Boost Service

After purchasing WoW Classic Anniversary Hardcore level boosting service, our expert booster will start leveling your character using the fastest and most effective methods to earn experience. You are guaranteed to reach your desired level as quickly as possible. Depending on your selected options, our WoW Classic Fresh level boost can also include additional rewards and bonuses, such as:

  • Some gold;
  • Various enchants;
  • Reputation progress;
  • Profession resources;
  • Gear sets or BiS items.

WoW Classic Fresh Hardcore Leveling FAQ

Leveling in Classic Hardcore is no different from any other leveling process in the game, with one exception – you cannot die. Because that’s the core of the Hardcore mode. Explore Overgear's offers if you don’t want to waste hours leveling up, only to get distracted for a second and regret the time lost. Our Classic Anniversary Hardcore leveling service is designed so you can enjoy end-game content in this incredibly challenging mode without wasting a single second on leveling.

Yes, rest assured. Our team consists of the most experienced players who know their job better than anyone else. We ensure that nothing will happen to your character during the Classic Fresh Hardcore leveling process. Explore our 'Insurance options' spoiler for more detailed information.

Hot Offer!
Hardcore Power Leveling
Boost method
Game type
Execution speed
Choose leveling range
Profession options
Cashback 3%
12 hoursorder completion